Trusted Advisor Group

Vistage for Trusted Advisors:

Here at Vistage, our Trusted Advisor program is designed for top leaders in professional services who want to take their services and skills to the next level. If you are interested in developing your relationships to grow your business, receiving expert guidance to fine-tune your leadership strengths, having access to resources to bolster your brand and maximizing your impact, you should check out the Vistage Trusted Advisor Program. 

Our Trusted Advisor Program is designed for the challenges of trusted advisors. Here are some examples of challenges and solutions:

Challenge: You’re concerned that larger potential clients see your firm as too small, inadequate and unproven, so you avoid pursuing these opportunities. Solution: Gain insight into how other respected professionals have transformed themselves as leaders and employed strategies to position their firms to tackle larger projects

Challenge: You’re inundated with back-office work just to keep things afloat and haven’t focused enough time on how to scale and grow your business. Solution: Maximize your team’s internal capabilities so you can do more client-facing business development by seeing examples of how others have successfully delegated day-to-day operations.

Challenge: You’re losing business to less-qualified competitors due to a lack of visibility in the market, despite your strong reputation with existing clients. Solution: Learn how to demonstrate your expertise to a broader audience – a community of like-minded, high-integrity executives focused on each other’s success.

Challenge: You’re worried that your culture has become too informal, delivering inconsistent service standards and jeopardizing your reputation in the marketplace. Solution: Discover how other leaders have instilled a strong culture and business processes to maintain a consistently high level of service.

Here is how Vistage works: 

Our confidential peer advisory board help you work on your most pressing issues with an exclusive group of 12-20 peers. Each session is led by an accomplished business leader and expert CEO coach providing half-day meetings monthly.

We have built an unparalleled community of business connections with 24/7 access to our global community of 23,000 members across 20 countries. You are able to join online and in-person networks organized by industry, function or geography and provide subject-matter expertise to CEOs, business owners, and key executives. Tactical questions are encouraged and you will receive reliable answers from the community.

We provide an unlimited amount of opportunities to gain and share expertise.  You will be given the chance to exchange insights with thought leaders at events while exploring speaking opportunities. You will also have access to proprietary research to grow your practice and activate new ideas for personal development. 

Another optional feature of our program is private executive coaching where you can complement your peer advisory group experience with one-to-one coaching from a seasoned executive coach and get personalized guidance to navigate challenges and opportunities.

The general overview of our Trusted Advisor Program includes:

  • Peer Advisory Board Meetings that consist of 12 half-day meetings per year
  • Online Community – 24/7 access to >23,000 members across 20 countries
  • Private Executive Coaching- Optional coaching sessions available for purchase

A word from one of our satisfied participants of the Vistage program: 

“When my organization hit tough times, Vistage helped me to turn things around. My Vistage group helped me to see areas where I had the power to make changes. Employing the advice from my group, I was able to grow exponentially over the next four years.” 

-Vicki Niedermayer, CEO, Helping Restore Ability

We want to help high-integrity leaders make great decisions that benefit their companies, families, and communities. Let us help you elevate your leadership and your business.